Tuesday 29 May 2012

Burkina Faso: Why there are problems with the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, why the GXG is better than the FSE

There are many reasons why the GXG Markets within the UK have the advantage of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange to become the new World Stock Exchange and global OTC market for firms.
With the closure of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange open markets there is no longer a real OTC market in Frankfurt. Start-up firms and firms searching for liquidity in Europe once went to the Frankfurt Open Market, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange or bought a Frankfurt Listed Shell for sale, and made a market raising funds for their firm.
The exchange rules changed, and not only did the open market get taken away, but a new toxic regulation enforced by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for volume trading.
Basically BAFIN and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange agreed on the requirement of constant trading requirements on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, however, the market maker is responsible. Thus, by making the market makers responsible for the bid and ask, every time the market maker puts up a BID that an investor hits, the market maker goes into debt. Every market maker then signs and agreement for the company to pay this debt. Thus, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has made a toxic trading cycle of which “Frankfurt listed companies” need to buy back the shares from the market maker. Thus, companies end up buying back all of their shareholders shares.
For most markets, such as the UK, a UK listed firm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange who has to pay the market maker for the shares would in most cases have to make a tender offer to all shareholders of the company at the same price. Basically, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and its market makers have formed a jurisdictionally “grey area” which is not really in compliance with the jurisdictions of the companies that are listed on their exchange.
Regardless of the legality, the companies take on the debt of buying back shareholders shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange simply is just not worth the risk to companies to do. Companies need to seek alternative stock markets, such as the GXG Markets in the UK.
For Frankfurt Listed firms, they have the deadline of July 1st to apply to the entry standard without a prospectus, and December to build a prospectus and meet the Frankfurt Entry Standard’s requirements. My advice to companies, is list your firm on the GXG markets while you still can before you become knocked off the Frankfurt markets and are no longer public. If you want to stay a public company, move to the GXG Markets.
Who is the best Broker Sponsor for the GXG Markets?
One of the Frankfurt and Berlin listings specialists IFXBG Limited (http://www.ifxbg.com) can help move your firm from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Berlin Stock Exchange to the GXG OTC Markets (http://www.gxgotcmarkets.com). Contact info@ifxbg.com.
This article has been written and published by FSE Listings Inc, http://www.fselistings.com The Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings professionals.

Friday 30 March 2012

Burkina Faso: Danish and UK Stock Exchange Listings

We are now a registered broker dealer on the Danish and UK markets.

We can list firms in 3-6 weeks that qualify and supply financing of up to 5 million euro through the broker dealer and securitization firm.

We are actively looking for clients who are seeking to go public.

Costs range on the amount of capital required and structure of your firm. Contact us today!

We list companies on the:

Plus Markets
AIM Markets
GXG Markets
FSE Markets
Berlin Markets
Stuttgart Markets

Contact us today to go public with the leading European Listing firm. info@fselistings.com

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Burkina Faso: Prospectus Writing, Frankfurt Listings, Berlin Listings, Dual Listings for TSX listings, ASX listings, and AIM Listings to raise capital in Europe and go public and stay a public listed company

We can help with audits and prospectuses at a reasonable cost for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Plus Markets, Berlin Stock Exchange, Stuttgart, GXG markets and AIM.

If you are a Frankfurt Listed company needing to upgrade your status with a prospectus, we can assist you immediately. If you do not want to upgrade your company, we can sell your firm for you as a shell company looking for an acquisition.

Our firm can take you public directly onto the Berlin Stock Exchange and Frankfurt Stock Exchange or provide a shell company so that you can list within the next 2-3 weeks!

Regardless of any rule changes, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and German Investment Community is open for business and waiting for quality revenue producing companies that qualify for a full listing on the exchange. Berlin also is keen on firms with existing operations. If you are a start-up firm, we can list and finance you on one of the many European Exchanges that accept start-up IPOs.

We can supply already listed companies or sell your listing for you.

FSE Listings Inc. has the ability to buy and sell shells through listed broker dealers. I advise that if you cannot move your company up to another bigger board market, you should either work with us to move your company to the Entry Standard and raise capital for you or move your firm onto another exchange with us, that is still valid for us to raise capital for you. At the worst case, we can sell your firm as a shell and build a new listing for you.

Dual Listings On Berlin Stock Exchange and Frankfurt.

We can dual list firms from Canada, the UK, Australia, and elsewhere onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCBB Companies we can dual list into Berlin. Once we have dual listed your existing firm, we can use a valuator to build an extensive report that enables us to build a bond for your firm and raise capital as a AA guaranteed investment. Dual listing of TSX Firms, Dual listing of ASX firms, and Dual listings of AIM or Plus Market firms are easily done onto either exchange in Europe.

Be aware, there is always changing rules in stock exchanges and it often doesn’t get easier. Now is the time for you to list before any other changes occur which could put your company at risk by not qualifying.

If you do not qualify for a listing, and have a great new start-up firm, we will consider venture capital placements upon submission. Venture Capital is available only to private firms we work with, and usually doesn’t exceed $250k-$1 million.

A third party valuation by a European firm, due diligence, business plan, five-year projection, and financials will need to be prepared. If you are lacking in any of the requirements, we are happy to offer our services to complete registered valuations, business plans, prospectus preparation, audits, financials, and projections. This is an hourly or one-time fee depending on the task.

Capital Raising by selling and forming corporate bonds or securitized bonds

Upon qualifying, you may also be considered for bond financing within the 5 – 100 million euro range based on valuation, revenue, and our due diligence.

Contact today:

BSE Listings and FSE Listings Inc.

Info@BSEListings.comBerlin Stock Exchange Listings

Info@FSEListings.com Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings

Within the US/Canada +19146133889 (OTC Listings, TSX Listings, Dual Listings)

Within the UK/Europe UK: +44(0)2081235719 (Aim Listings, Plus Listings, European Listings)

Within Hong Kong/Asia: 81753591 (PSE Listings, ASX Listings, Shanghai Listings, Dual Listings European Listings)

Within South Africa/Africa: +27110836116 (JSE Listings, European Listings)

Friday 2 March 2012

Burkina Faso; Stock Exchange Listings and How To Raise Capital For Your Firm Through Sophisticated Investors!

Stock Exchange Listings and How To Raise Capital For Your Firm Through Sophisticated Investors!

More than ever before in the history of financial markets a company requires to have transparency, substance, and liquidity. A proper Go Public strategy or money raising process requires building share value to the investor.

The “real economy” is based on logical revenue producing firms, stable businesses and good investments for the common individual. These firms are attractive for Bond offerings to institutional investors and equity offerings to sophisticated investors.

Most people cannot participate in this real economy as they are not qualified, sophisticated, and accredited investors. A perfect example is IPOs such as Facebook, which is offered to a very high-caliber level of investor and not the general public for the most part until post listing. The highest gains for most investors are in IPOs as statistically proven time and time again.

For businesses a major problem for the companies is they are unable to solicit individuals that are not certified as a class of investor that can be contacted for investment opportunities.

One of the solutions for businesses looking for qualified and sophisticated investors is http://www.sophisticatedinvestorregister.com and http://www.qualifiedinvestorregister.com which actively qualifies over 1,000 investors per week adding them to the largest database of sophisticated investors available.

As a firm, your employees have the capacity to contact interested sophisticated investors who have asked to be contacted. To quantify the importance of a database of this kind, 100-150 sophisticated investors who took part in a listing would equal over 18 million euro in capital raised over 6 months.

In addition, companies that are interested in becoming listed in the UK and taking advantage of the sophisticated investor directive, we can take your firm public on an active UK sophisticated investor stock market as a listed firm and you can utilize an active supply of investors to raise capital. Either through public listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Berlin Stock Exchange, Danish GXG UK markets, or Plus Markets, your firm could raise the capital required and successfully IPO or list.

Contact info@fselistings.com today to inquire how you can take advantage of foreign sophisticated investors for your firm today. Whether you are a Canadian firm, Australian firm, US firm, Spanish Firm, or African firm, going public in Europe is the best opportunity for you to gain investment. You may even already be listed on a Stock Exchange, and could still qualify for our program. Please contact us today to see if we can help you.

In addition to sophisticated and qualified investors, we will endeavor to qualify your firm to create bonds and place these bonds with institutional investors. Contact us today for more information. Info@fselistings.com.


Thursday 16 February 2012

Burkina Faso: Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Prospectus

As a licensed broker dealer our partner has the team and ability to file prospectus document for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and submit the documents to the FSA.

A European Prospectus from the UK, Denmark, or Germany often will be enough to sufficiently cover a companies needs.

As a new directive of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market, a prospectus document is required with the ability of taking your firm up to the Entry Standard market by September 30th 2012.

If you are planning to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, you need to begin building your prospectus immediately!

In addition, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has introduced trading requirements with the recent implementation of the Xetra II requirements for trading volume and market maker requirements. Building a market for the companies listed is becoming a requirement of listing. Companies that list without a prospectus are limited by their abilities to market their company based on BAFIN regulations, which limit the use of the company symbol and various other stipulations for firms who do not have a prospectus filed.

However, with the prospectus filed, there is more flexibility when co-ordinating publicity and investor relations. More and more companies are being driven towards a prospectus to mobilize their overall market making activity, not limited to press releases, publications, roadshows to retail investment markets, and incoming requests. It is only a matter of time, maybe even September, before companies will have to take two key aspects into consideration or become delisted:
  1. A prospectus so that the firm can actively market their share symbol and company to the general public without contravening securities laws in Germany and or Europe in general
  2. Maintaining an active market to enable market makers to maintain their role of actively buying and selling shares within the market, which is not possible in an illiquid market
One naturally pertains to the other, as the prospectus enables the flexibility to make a market, without the ability to attract a retail market the market makers eventually can not support the bid and ask from the sale of existing shareholders and the market could, can, and will being to move towards a lower illiquid position.

The reality is that a company can list before having a prospectus on the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, however, it is advisable to begin developing the prospectus as soon as possible to ensure shareholders and the public have the disclosures necessary to invest in the firm and to be able to stay listed after September 30th 2012. For a price quote and proposal to develop a prospectus, contact info@fselistings.com.


Thursday 29 December 2011

FSE Listings Burkina Faso: Frankfurt Listings - UK Listed FSE Listings for Sale

Frankfurt Listings- UK Listed FSE Listings For Sale

We have two newly Frankfurt listed UK shell firms for sale, these companies are in Mining and Sports. We can organize a change of name and transfer of shares within a 24-48 hour period. Your firm can immediately go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and utilize either an equity line of credit through our equity partners, such as Deutsche Capital Partners or issue up to 5 million euro in Bonds.

Our listed Frankfurt Stock Exchange shell is a UK company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange within December 2011.

The company was incorporated within the UK as a Frankfurt Shell Company for the purpose of a Frankfurt Listing using FSE Listings Inc.

The registered office has already been established within London, the company registration number, the ISIN, Symbol, and Corporate Secretary.

FSE Listings Inc is the leading provider of Frankfurt Shells for sale including UK FSE Listings, Canada Frankfurt Listings, Australia Frankfurt Listings, South Africa Frankfurt Listings, Spain Frankfurt Listings, the United States Frankfurt Listings, and China Frankfurt Listings.

All new Frankfurt shells for sale meet the new rules implemented by the Frankfurt Exchange.

  • Fully Capitalized with the € 500,000 requirement;
  • €0.10 euro nominal value of shares;
  • Fully certified by UK Chartered Accounting firm;
  • 5,500,000 share capital
  • Qualified companies
  • Capital introductions
  • No Prospectus required – Prospectus can be developed or IM based on your equity story goals

List your company or buy a shell and be public immediately on the Frankfurt Exchange using FSEListings.com Your premier FSE Listing Partner.

As the leading Frankfurt Shells provider, we have Frankfurt Shells waiting for your project now! FSE Listings is the fastest way to go to get your company public and raising capital. In addition, we provide

third party valuation, prospectus documents, IMs, AA Rated Bond Financing, equity story strategies, share vision and share increase programs, investor relations and public relations for our clients.

Raise capital immediately for your firm (within 20 days of purchasing the company) with our bond program, and enjoy the liquidity and share trading available on the Frankfurt Boerse exchange (borse) the World’s largest Equity Markets since the acquisition of the NYSE and merger, trading 85% of Germany’s total listed securities in the most healthy market in Europe.

About FSE Listings – Your Premier Frankfurt Listings Partner

FSEListings.com is the leading premier specialist on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, FSE Listings is a consulting firm with a registered FSA Broker Dealer partnership, a German Market Maker listing partnership, a Bond insurance and securitization partnership, and a network of over 100 billion USD in sophisticated investors and institutional partners. Our available capital partnerships and market

partnerships and volume of listings give your firm the best chance of success with a public company listing and IPO!

Why FSE Listings?

FSE Listings Inc has a primary focus on taking companies public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Our partnership with an FSA registered broker dealer, German Bank, and market maker has positioned our firms and clients to easily list, get financing, and create long term value and partnerships with their firm. As a global financing firm with over 20 years of listing experience since the early 1990’s on the NASDAQ, our company is part of the network of OTCListings.com, the leading OTCBB listing firm, ASX Listings for Australian Listings, and TSX Listings for the Toronto Stock Exchange. Our company has over 50 employees worldwide, and is actively recruiting investment bankers, accountants, lawyers, brokers, and business consultants.

Our firm is known to be the most professional, the most honest, and the fastest firm for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCBB, TSX, and ASX. Over the last 15 years of listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, we have assisted over 2000 companies to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange!

Contact us at info@FSElistings.com or FSE Listings

A UK listed company is a premium listing, the UK is renowned for the quality of business and acumen, and attracts sophisticated investors within the UK and Europe. There are many reasons why a UK listed firm is better than Canadian, Australian, South African, etc. The ideal purchase of a UK firm is for a holding company of your firm to list onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange through.

Since we built the firm, we know the structure and are confident in supplying this company for sale through our registered broker dealer partner. The Company is 110k euro.


Industry Classification: Public Shell Companies, Frankfurt Listings, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, FSE Listings, Merger Law, FSE, Capital, Bonds, Law, Germany, Stock Exchange, Shell for sale.


Wednesday 7 December 2011

FSE Listings Burkina Faso: The importance of a company valuation with Frankfurt Listings and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The importance of a company valuation with Frankfurt Listings and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

One of the most commonly overlooked and most important parts of a Frankfurt Stock Exchange listing are the business valuation or asset valuation in the company going public.

Most going public firms will cap your market capitalization at 100 million issued and outstanding shares, but these firms usually don’t take careful consideration of what the real value of your firm is, often undervaluing your assets making it more difficult for you to issue shares

In addition, a corporate and business valuation for Frankfurt stock exchange listings warrant the listing capital and share value after listing, this is important for both financing and justifying the price of your company’s shares after listing as well as the ability to qualify for financing such as Bonds through Frankfurt Listings.

In addition, the material utilized within your Frankfurt third party valuation is a professional report which is the same information you will likely incorporate to make your information and investment memorandum or BAFIN prospectus. The valuation should not come from just an accounting or Law firm within Germany claiming to list you, this is not sufficient, but rather a firm that has been registered in the EU with a Central Bank and certification. The validity of your company depends on such a valuation. Do not just listen to an outside go public consultant who is meeting your designated sponsors minimum requirements, talk to us at FSE Listings Inc, the leading firm in this field with partners who fit the requirements of the exchange to give such opinions that are certified by an EU Central Bank.

A valuation with FSE Listings Inc:
  • Enables you to have all of the justifications of your market cap and share price when going public
  • Justifies the information and price within your prospectus and investment documents
  • Qualifies your firm for the Bond offering and AA rating obtained by listing your firm with FSE Listings Inc and building the Bonds with the partners in Europe that raise you capital
If you require a valuation that is favorable, a strong market cap, justification of your share price, and possibly financing of up to 5 million euro for a bond offering, there is only one firm you can work with in Frankfurt, and that is the Frankfurt Listings done by FSE Listings Inc, info@fselistings.com

Contact us today!

FSE Listings